AWS Ends Egress Fees. In a move that’s sure to shake up the cloud computing landscape, Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced a major change to its data transfer pricing. As of early March 2024, AWS no longer charges egress fees for data transferred out of the cloud.

This means you can say goodbye to those pesky charges that popped up whenever you needed to move your data from AWS to another cloud provider or back on-premises. Previously, AWS offered a free tier with 100 GB of data egress per month, but anything beyond that came with a price tag. Now, that price tag is zero!

Cloud Wars

There are a couple of theories behind this strategic shift from AWS:

Cloud Wars Heating Up: Let’s face it, the cloud computing market is a battleground. Google Cloud made a similar move earlier this year, eliminating egress fees entirely. AWS’s update suggests they’re keen to stay competitive and offer users more attractive pricing options.

Regulatory nudges: The European Data Act, which emphasises data portability, might have played a role. This act encourages customer choice and discourages vendor lock-in. With free egress fees, AWS is giving users more freedom to move their data around.

What This Means for You: A More Open Cloud

For AWS users, this is a game-changer. Here are some of the ways you’ll benefit:

Cost Savings: Companies that were hesitant to migrate data due to egress fees can now do so without breaking the bank. This opens doors to exploring alternative cloud solutions or repatriating data on-premises, all without worrying about additional charges.

Freedom of Choice: With egress fees out of the picture for both AWS and Google Cloud, you’re no longer locked into a single provider. You can choose the cloud solution that best suits your needs, focusing on factors like features, security, and overall cost structure.

A Domino Effect?: AWS’s move, following Google’s lead, might trigger a pricing ripple effect. Other cloud providers like Microsoft Azure could be pressured to re-evaluate their egress pricing models to stay competitive.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

While egress fees are gone for both AWS and Google Cloud, it’s important to remember that other data transfer costs within their platforms might still apply. However, this change represents a significant shift in the cloud computing landscape, offering greater flexibility for managing your data.

So, are you thinking about migrating your data or exploring other cloud options? Now’s the perfect time to take advantage of this cost-saving move from both AWS and Google Cloud.

If you are considering to use AWS, take a look at a post on AWS Landing Zone, a way to manage multiple AWS accounts using best practices.


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